Marcia, you have highlighted the people and groups that I agree are most important for our future! YES to supporting Kiley... I just donated again. Thank you for elevating his email request, helping me see his plea.

YES to supporting Yvette. We MUST get her in office and replace Wiener. Not that I don't like wieners... they sent me to college & grad school... but that Wiener must go!!!!! Yvette is the best person and the best candidate to lead California. I hope to have a fundraiser for her this Fall. I also want to mention Denise Aguilar who is going to be a rockstar in our Legislature!!!

And YES to supporting Free Now Foundation's legal work! That's my org. We are working hard to make being non-jected legal right NOW. We are still raising money to file our suit in California to get the legitimate medical exemption back. It will protect vulnerable children and also have implications for college students and employees. And, as Marcia so astutely picked up, if we make it LEGAL to be non-jected, in the digital Communism future where we have social credit scores, we will make sure social credit points are NOT deducted for being non-jected. Can you imagine the future where FNF attorneys, like the FLTJ powerhouses, go to court and argue that it's illegal to deduct social credit score points for not having a shot -- COVID , Avian Flu, Monkeypox, Dolphinpox, etc - because we WON the medical exemptions case back in 2024 or 2025? If we make it legal to live like we do, we will be much better off.

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Oh, this might be a reason to host you up here to talk about this, maybe you and Jess. . . although I know she is planning 2 events at the ranch starting in Sept, which I'm not sure I'll attend (again). Enough people don't know about the lawsuits. There's so much talk and engagement with the 'election/selection' that I think people are distracted from these others. I will mention more about Denise in a later stack. She is already getting some bad press, so for people who don't know her, they may think she's like a crazy tattoo'd boisterous mom who interrupts things in Sac and doesn't wear underwear. I am going to break her in gently! ;-) And I've never met her in person. Tara, a few times, never Denise. So let's think how we can get FNF more visibility and donations. ... "dolphinpox", why not. they just pick a name and add a pox. Oh, one more thing. We were at a friend's birthday outside by a lake - about 30 people sitting in a circle under redwoods when the person next to us said to her friend. . . "I hope this isn't one of those superspreader events" to which the friend replied: "I'm so glad I got my booster yesterday". Booster for what? Are these people out of their minds?

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