Actually the State does own your kids. There's no conspiracy theory, it's fact. In order to monetize a bankrupt USA in 1933, they came up with the brilliant scheme to sell every child's birth certificate on the bond market for their "future productivity." The mother signed the contract when she signed the Birth Certificate. The business entity or strawman is where all the money is, so if they can come up with a reason for your child to need something, they can access those funds. Maritime Law keeps the whole charade in place by never addressing the underlying crime of no informed consent. The answer is to gain title to oneself so they have no jurisdiction over you or your children.

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That is the truth Jeff. Most of the people don't understand this, but more are learning. We have spent the last few weekends discussing in detail how to present this. One of our MFR members who was an attorney for 40 years, turned in his bar license and is studying this. It sounds crazy to those who have only heard it once, but as we hear it from others and more and more, it makes total sense. What a racket these criminals have created over time. To make something so criminal seems so normal and accepted. Well said Jeff. Thanks.

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Yes more of us need to know about Maritime Law and to how get out from under the thumb of it. To Common Law.

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wow, Marin, another packed post!

so, is Alexa married to GP (Chat) and his brother Chad? They seem well suited...they speak the same language, and also seem equally confused...

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Ha, I think so!!!! hehe.

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Sep 6Liked by Marin Grin

Declaration of North America DNA - America Canada and Mexico

from JAN 2023

Does anyone know about this?

I only remember thinking 1) "DNA" That’s no accident. 2) so what is Mx agreeing to do abt all North going traffic/cartels? Not much. 3) It’s just some “See us trying to fix things?” meeting.

Somewhere I read abt talk of a North Amer Union like EU. Gee, can they come up with anything that's NOT completely fkd up? No, they can't won't don't wanna.

Temple ceremony nice.

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I don't know that anything puzzles me more or provides a better example of the human capacity (of most) for cognitive dissonance, deference to perceived authority, and an instinctive willingness to waste one's time and energy with respect to it, than parents leaving their kids in these schools.

Still. With everything we've seen and learned the past 25 years.

Why? Because property tax was paid for schools, so they roll the dice that their kids will somehow avoid harm and instead pointlessly attend school board meetings that will likely change nothing, and the outcomes of which could never be trusted anyway? So they can get their tax money's worth? Is that the reason?

It's so irrational I can't get my head around it.

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I am so in agreement with you. Yet we do have many parents who for reasons I can't imagine, are keeping their kids in these institutions. I do wonder the reason.

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I think it's probably true, particularly for women, that getting separated from, shunned by, the group, the herd, is instinctively intolerable, feels contrary to survival, including to a woman's children, so the innate instinct is to accept the oppression of the group while making a show of defiance within the accepted Overton Window, in this case of attending school board meetings and writing letters to reps, voting Red, watching Fox, etc., rather than face what would historically have meant ruin and death in more primal human society (basically all of time prior to WWII).

That's my guess.

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