May 20Liked by Marin Grin

Dear Senator Padilla:

I demand that you copy H.R. 79, the W.H.O. Withdrawal Act, and submit it as companion legislation in the Senate in order to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization.

Claiming that it has any value ignores the usurpation of our Constitution this abhorrent agreement performs.

You did recite and sign a printed copy of your oath of office, in which you soberly undertook to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, didn't you?

You Must Act Right Now!

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Thank you.

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May 20·edited May 20

Dear Senator Padilla:

I demand that you copy H.R. 79, the W.H.O. Withdrawal Act, and submit it as companion legislation in the Senate in order to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization.

Claiming that it has any value ignores the usurpation of our Constitution this abhorrent agreement performs.

You did recite and sign a printed copy of your oath of office, in which you soberly undertook to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, didn't you?

You Must Act Right Now!

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