Jun 28Liked by Marin Grin

Nah, you can't fix stupid. I've read some Dem comments online - Biden decisively won the debate, California was the best state during convid, San Francisco is the cleanest and happiest city. The shots are safe and effective. Let's see what narrative the media spins tomorrow for those who didn't watch the debate.

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Right, what a hero is Biden!

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Gavin Newsom is a wife cheater that’s history. He’s a coke addict that’s history. He’s single-handedly screwed the budget of California and ruined the state. That’s the current situation, when she was in San Francisco Harris spent entire life on knees sucking willyBrown’s cock ….she put more Black people in jail for mind drug offenses than any DA…..these people are fucking gross.

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SAY IT Tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100%.

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I have been concerned that Gavin moving his family to Marin was to be available for the late summer, early fall. However Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics is sure it will be Hilary (leading us to WW3) with Gavin as possible back up. I watched the Kennedy version and was glad he did it.

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I thought the Kennedy debate was brilliant! Hillary. . . ugh. she’s so toasted over. That would really be a horror, but so would Whitmer, and several others they are tossing around. I say let Biden run and lose. For. Real.

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Good idea. I think after the convention once he has the nomination, hey will slip Hilary or someone in, hope I am wrong.

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We need a prayer circle in nature.... please lord NOT HILLARY (or Big Mike, or . . . . the list is long)...

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yes would deplore a first woman president like either of those two

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If the Biden gang was on welfare, Adult Protective Services would charge 'doctor' Jill for elder abuse. It is amazing that a life-long teacher cannot train her zombie-like husband. Her degree should be revoked and she should be imprisoned.

America is in deep shit and it is all because Obama promised to 'radically' change America. He is doing so in his 3rd term. And if the vote counters put him in for a 4th term, China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and all of the countries now using the Remini for oil transactions will turn the USA into a relic.

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Oooh, I had a reaction to that comment — because it’s deep, and true. How did O get so powerful? Who is behind him?

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Jun 28Liked by Marin Grin

We need to spring into action to expose Nuisance for the W.E.F. Young Leadership stooge he is, doing his daddy Klaus's bidding, like a good fatherless boy who needs daddy's approval. People need to know what's in store if they vote for Nuisance. Just look at Canada...

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We cannot ignore the grooming that the Hollywood coke fiend has been getting. Look at that hairdo!!!

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you got that right Charles.

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What do you think I just wrote?

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Jun 28Liked by Marin Grin

I've been expecting a switcheroo since New Years...

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When Newsom went to China for an audience with Xi, I thought something was very strange indeed. Let's recall the creep.

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Jun 28Liked by Marin Grin

Lol Lisa! Beautiful. And spot on. Minor correction: “nuclear bombs” should be “cluster bombs.” RFK wiped the floor with dumb and dumber. That dude knows where the bodies are buried, who put them there and how to deal with them.

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I've seen RFK, Jr. many times. Now he knows his stuff. . . backwards, forwards and inside out. He can roll off events, dates, locations, people, and make it all make sense. Amazing. Unfortunately he lost a base he probably never had, which is those young gazillionaire tech guys who recently hosted President Trump and raised $12million in a night. I saw Bobby at the same place last August where they seems very interested and supportive. That's a lot of support to lose. There's still time...

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Jun 28Liked by Marin Grin

I absolutely loved Lisa Longneck's rescripting of the debate - absolutely dead on funny and scary/sad at the same time.

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Fuck the wife cheating Coke addict Newsom

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Jun 28Liked by Marin Grin

(snark incoming) What person will be the replacement Democratic Party Presidential candidate? Easy, replace Biden with Bibi - problem solved. Netanyahu is coming to address US Congress in July. That would be the perfect time to make the announcement to the nation. (end of snark)

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or ruining the world…

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good point. . . ha. some would say he already is running the world

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Greusome will be prez, guaranteed:(

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Oh, I need to go watch a comedy before bed to get that out of my head girlfriend. x

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