Wow.. This covers so much information. Welldone! The best part is Dr. Casey Means. She has all the credentials and the heart to help thousands of people reform their diets. The King News was well done and good for a sigh and a laugh, especially when so many women mistake KH as a genuine woman and not a puppet/clone/fake.

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im beyond being able to comment today, Marin

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Let me know if you come to this side of he bay. i’d love to get together YPH. x

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It's been a while since i've been over there, Marin, but your invite echoes and i will tell you when that time comes again

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Yikes and ugh.

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We stocked up 3 years ago, and I wonder if the food expiration date has long gone. We got some more, and have other emergency supplies. You have predicted this and can I get your book on anywhere else but amazon?

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