Jul 26Liked by Marin Grin

Here's direct link to that excellent Intercept article about

when Harris colluded with church in shielding child sex predators:


You've gathered the whole sordid story in your post Thanks.

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Thank you Lupa. More may be revealed about KH before they wipe her slate clean and sanitize her existence. They are well oiled and can transform stories at the drop of a button.

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good collection of what an evil, fake character she is her statement on deaths shots show she is a mass murderer just like the rest, no one would ever vote for her rebranding wont help civil war is certain if they try to install her.

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That’s the truth. And they will try. And try. And try.

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They will try and do it, UNTIL the American people have have had enough and those who have taken and obey their oaths to protect and defend decide to do something about it all . So far most everyone is like deer in the headlights or being zombiefied by their cell phones. If we dont act BEFORE they stir up ww3 or collapse economy and force CBDCs or create any emergency to cancel rigged elections, it will become nearly impossible to do, the engineered food famine situation will put everyone in such hunger chaos it will be very difficult to organize.. At the same time they will unleash the BLM-ANTIFA s and the enormous number of criminals sent across the border, This will produce such a wave of criminality and violence , most will be occupied dealing with this . This is coming from a 30 year veteran preparedness consultant, who has made many podcasts predicting it all way ahead of time. SK

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Perhaps Ms. Harris at the ripe age of 29 employed various methods 🤛🏼 to gain the attention and favor of Mr. Brown…just saying…she was young, attractive, and a ‘climber’, at the bottom rungs of the political ladder, looking to move up! 😉🤔😜

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This country has a been on a long decline from Camelot to Kamala.

- Ned B.

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