Apr 12Liked by Marin Grin

I sent the letter with a sense of coming full circle. A decade ago, I built the https://zerogeoengineering.com/ website for a dear activist friend (who prefers anonymity.)

I built a suite of websites for this person on related topics:




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Apr 12Liked by Marin Grin

Just wondering: Is there "overreach" in this letter? Would ANY weather engineering activities be thrown out with the bath water? Do we want to take a stand against ANY manipulation of the weather? What if there was a way to facilitate rain by way of cloud seeding by spraying stuff out of airplanes that was non-toxic to plants and animals? What if there was a way to spray something that turns smog into water vapor? What if there was a way to spray something into the skies that neutralized or removed the toxins that have been put up there?

Aren't we only concerned if there would be toxins released into the air? or salts that might be destructive to vegetation? I think it sounds more REASONABLE and less FANATICAL if we were to frame the request as being against the spraying of TOXINS. (p.s. I'm not on the sprayer's side. I'm trying to help "our side.")

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Apr 12Liked by Marin Grin

Shared and did this myself with a personal message too. Shared the one from Reinette too.

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Apr 12Liked by Marin Grin

I'm sharing this link on Facebook, X, Instagram, email, and word-of-mouth. Heck maybe I'll even write a song about it! We don't need to terraform the earth!

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