Starting October 18th, The Real Anthony Fauci movie will go live. It will be free to watch until October 27th. You have 10 days to watch the film and invite your family and friends to join you.
The forced-vaccine campaign and other cruel actions by Dr. Fauci might seem “too big to fail.” But that is up to us.
We can bow down and comply — take the jabs, wear the face coverings, show our digital passports on demand, submit to the tests.
Or we can say no. We have a choice, and it is not too late.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. closes his spellbinding book with the quote, “We’ll see you on the barricades.” Well… the time is now and these are the barricades.
Despite total censorship by mainstream media, the book sold over 1 million copies on word of mouth and impacted the lives of countless people.
But at over 600 pages, it’s an intimidating read.
That’s why they made it possible for you to watch it as a film in your own home for free.
What I've seen in terms of preview clips is inspired storytelling with major studio production quality.
Getting this documentary out is currently our best opportunity to expose the truth about C0VID tyranny.
Together we can get this into everyone’s hands. This film is ideal to watch or share with everyone in your life you want to wake up.
So if you’re on board with exposing the truth about Dr. Anthony Fauci and unmasking the worldwide campaign of fear and tyranny… by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Jeff Hays Films - see you there!
The book TRAF is a difficult read, and the audible version is no less upsetting. That is why it is a difficult read because it is so hard not to get extremely upset reading what this man has done.
I hope I can get thru the movie.
I call RFKjr the real satanthony Fauci Billy goats and world domination under slavery
The Bible.
I have not read the actual Bible, but the RFKjr Bible is too important to miss.
Yes, tis hard to read legal or medical language, but like the 2015 gain of function research paper where they admit what they do but say tis legal, a lie, everyone who has eyes ought to struggle thru this stuff.
Sadly my housemate had promised to read the RFKjr book but got his booster instead, breaking two promises to me.
My life has always sucked. But now I know that there are huge colluders to make all our lives suck. We must stop them or there will be no more freedom at all and maybe no life....