9.11 Reinette Senum's Short Speech about 9/11 Boat Lift
4+ minutes of Reinette speaking to us yesterday in the Bay Area. We love you Reinette
Many of us had the opportunity to once again be with Reinette yesterday at a celebration for volunteers for freedom. Please watch her important speech below.
Reinette Senum’s SHORT SPEECH about 9/11 BOAT LIFE & parallels to our work today!
This speech touched me deeply. Tears flowed and I cheered our fellow Americans. On this day, 9/11 , let’s make another pledge to protect our constitutional rights. Ask your candidates for public office where they stand on medical freedom.
Keep asking until you get an answer.
ONE CLICK LINKS to VETO: Try this for the one click links. . . scroll down middle of page for the one clicks. I just copy and pasted from their original email…didn’t check links first: